What is the winter vomiting bug?
What is the winter vomiting bug? The ‘winter vomiting bug’ or gastric flu, is a virus causing a stomach upset with vomiting and/or diarrhoea. It is most commonly caused by a virus known as the Norwalk-like Virus (NLV). While the virus usually causes short-lasting outbreaks, it can be extremely infectious. The incubation period is usually around 24-48 hours but may be as short as...
8 Common Traits of the Toxic People in Your Life
Do you know a toxic person? Even if you don't now, at some point in your life you're bound to have come across a person who fits the description. Dealing with such an individual can be difficult and draining, to say the least. In fact, it may challenge what you know about yourself and push you to the limits. Here are some traits to familiarize yourself with, and to help you navigate these trying...
6 Obstacles to a Relationship With a Psychopath
We learn about others and ourselves through our intimate relationship experiences. What if an experience was traumatic, and left behind psychological scars that require healing or professional intervention? This is the reality for many who have found themselves in an intimate relationship with a psychopath. Psychopathy is such a commonly used word online and in the media, making the symptoms for...
Dementia risk increased with use of blood-thinning drugs
A new study reviewing medical data from 6,000 patients reports that individuals with atrial fibrillation who take anticoagulants are at higher risk of dementia than patients who take the blood-thinning drugs for other reasons. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common irregular heartbeat condition. The incidence rate in the population of adults aged 65 and older is 10 percent, as reported by...
Alzheimer's could be reclassified as Type 3 diabetes
Could Alzheimer's really just be another form of diabetes, caused by eating too much junk food? Growing evidence that Alzheimer's is primarily a metabolic disease has led some researchers to propose reclassifying it as Type 3 diabetes, according to the Guardian. Such a revelation could have profound implications on the role that the junk food industry plays in causing Alzheimer's. Today an...
5 Tips for Interacting With a Narcissist
It's hard not to be affected when you observe a true narcissist—a person with narcissistic personality disorder. The experience is visceral: You feel a mixture of helplessness, disgust, anger, surprise, and, depending on the situation, embarrassment or disappointment. You feel these to your core. I was recently speaking with a friend who said she was so affected by seeing a narcissistic person in...
Daily Physical Activity Boosts Brain Power and Self-Control
Researchers in the UK have identified a synergistic feedback loop between improved executive function and regular physical activity that is bidirectional. The more regularly you exercise, the greater your executive function; the greater your executive function, the more likely you are to exercise...and so on, and so on. (Executive function generally includes such traits as cognitive flexibility,...
Fish Oils: Health Benefits, Facts, Research
Fish oils come from fatty fish, also known as oily fish, specifically the tissue of fatty fish, such as trout, mackerel, tuna, herring, sardines, and salmon. Fish oils are of interest to nutritionists and health care professionals because of two main ingredients: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) - both types of Omega-3 fatty acids. The fillets of oily fish contain up to...