6 Amazing Body Changes When You Give Up Carbs
Lose refined carbs, and you'll gain energy Simple carbs, such as those found in cookies, candy and chips, are The Bachelorette of the food world. They’ll give you a quick thrill — but you know they’re bad for you, and you’re guaranteed to feel a bit guilty afterwards. And yet we still can’t break our addiction to them. (And it is an addiction, according to certain studies.) Worse, even if you are...
10 Simple Remedies for Earache
What is earache? An earache is represented by a varied level of pain in the inner ear. Earaches are often caused by a bacterial or viral infection, moving into higher altitudes, or wax buildup. If an earache lasts for longer than 24 hours, it is best to see a doctor. They can check if there is an underlying problem that is causing the pain. Fever, swelling of the ear, weakness in the face...
15 signs that you're emotionally intelligent
It's all too easy to lose control of our emotions. That's why emotional intelligence, known as EI or EQ, is so important. The ability to identify emotions (in yourself and others), to understand their powerful effect, and to use that information to guide thinking and behavior can greatly increase the chances of successfully achieving your goals. Like any ability, the skills of emotional...
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LIKE AND SHARE The best reason posted on why you should get the tickets - will be the winner. Winner anounced on Facebook on Wednesday 14th September at 9pm. Good luck!
7 Surprising Benefits of Exercise
1. Exercise is great for your brain. It’s linked to less depression, better memory and quicker learning. Studies also suggest that exercise is, as of now, the best way to prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, a major fear for many Americans. Scientists don’t know exactly why exercise changes the structure and function of the brain, but it’s an area of active research. So far, they’ve...
How to Start an Exercise Routine and Stick to It
If you're like a lot of people, you made a resolution to start exercising this year, but you didn't see it through. Maybe you were too busy, afraid of hurting yourself or just hate going to the gym. If you fall into this camp, don't give up yet. Science has found a number of ways to boost your chances of keeping up an exercise routine. To find out the best way to start exercising, Live Science...
Could Paracetamol heal a broken heart?
It’s August and that means co-eds from across the nation are heading back to college. Along with saying goodbye to the lazy days of summer, many may find themselves saying “buh-bye” to their relationships. What’s one to do when their high school sweetheart or summer crush has gone away? A look back at past research suggests acetaminophen (Tylenol) may help cushion the blow of a broken heart. Let’...