The Love Connection

Love has some very surprising benefits to your health. For example, an increase in frequency of sexual intercourse has been found to be directly correlated with a decrease in risk of breast cancer among women. Studies have also shown that having sex 3+ times per week can dramatically reduce risk of heart attack or stroke by as much as 50%. Check out this infographic to learn even more ways that a...


Irelands banking crisis. How bad is it really?

Ireland was one of the first European countries to get hit by the financial crisis. It decided to bail out its banks at the direct cost of the taxpayer. In 2012, those banks were still overleveraged (and still are today) to the same level as for instance Cyprus, with assets over 800% of GDP. Probably only Iceland has been worse (UK?!). According to IMF/EC, 2012 Irish national debt was 117% of GDP...


How to manage Alzheimers Disease

How does Lynch’s pharmacy help?Those with Alzheimer’s, as well as those who care for them, need support and understanding to cope. We start by giving an overview of what Alzheimer’s Disease is including the causes, risk factors and disease progression. Then we discuss the various treatment options currently available, including medicines and therapies. Finally, we discuss How to...


Lynch's Pharmacy First Blog Post

Welcome to Lynch's Pharmacy, Broadale, Douglas, Cork. We help you manage and live with any health condition from Asthma to Alzheimer's, Diabetes to Depression, weight loss to wheat alergies. We've developed a range of easy to follow, custom made programmes that improve your quality of life. What to know more?
